One More in a list of Obama Disappointments


Where's the hope for healthcare reform? What the f*** is Obama thinking. Do you really think public option is coming out of the bill? All the media, both liberal and conservative, are saying it. The Senate is giving up on public option way too soon. Obama looks weak, like he has no spine. Either that or he has some evil plot to destroy liberal politics. Which is it...

Talk me down.


  1. Clam down Jill, I think eventually things will be OKAY. I think we have enough smart people there stopping things from going crazy(Except for Robert Gates and the Pentagon leaders)

  2. I don't know Ting, there is an ABC poll showing the percentage of people believing all of the conservative rhetoric is hovering right around 50%. I wish I could be as confident as you that there are enough smart people to do the right thing. But when someone actually can call the end of life counseling "death panels", sheesh, how stupid are people.
